Sunday, December 2, 2007

LOL moment of the morning

A few weeks ago, ALTR read this article about presidential daughter Jenna Bush in Texas Monthly. Last night while being lame, I made some updates on my NewsGator, including changing one of my "smart feeds" to automatically search for new items on Jenna Bush(those are the feeds that search all feeds for whatever item you want). I expected that random tidbits on the former wild twin (now described as "Girl Gone Mild" in the Texas Monthly article) might provide some interesting blog material in light of her engagement and upcoming wedding.

This morning I checked my feeds to look for news to tell you people about. However, much to the shock of ALTR's virgin Republican eyes, I was appalled to discover that the majority of the 17 news feeds for Jenna Bush were newly posted YouTube semi-porn items such as this.

So I think I'll change that smart feed to "Henry Hager", Jenna's fiance, as surely any article talking about their engagement should also mention his name. I'm sure ALTL is dying to know all the latest breaking details of Jenna's wedding as much as I am.

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